Types & Fields

The crux of GraphQLize is generating the GraphQL types and queries by making use of JDBC metadata. This page documents the conventions and assumptions behind this automatic generation.

Type name

For every tables and views in the database, GraphQLize generates a GraphQL type. The name of the GraphQL type is the singularized, PascalCase version of the corresponding table or view name.

Table/View Name GraphQL Type Name
actor Actor
film_actor FilmActor
comments Comment

GraphQlize supports Postgres schema. If the schema in question is not a default schema (public), then it will be used as a prefix in the GraphQL type name.

Schema Name Table/View Name GraphQL Type Name
person state_province PersonStateProvince
human_resources employee HumanResourcesEmployee

The table name is alone singularized and not the schema name.

Field name

The Field names of a generated GraphQL Type represent the column names of the corresponding database table or view. GraphQLize generates the field name by converting the column name to its camelCase version.

For a table like below,

first_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
last_name character varying(45) NOT NULL

GraphQLize generates a GraphQL type as

type Actor {
actorId: Int!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!

Field type

GraphQLize supports the standard GraphQL scalar types and some custom scalar types.

During the schema generation, GraphQLize checks the column's database type and convert it to a GraphQL scalar type. Refer the table below for the type conversion mapping.

GraphQL Scalar Type Data Type(s)
Int integer, int, int2 int4, smallint, smallserial, serial, serial2, serial4
Float real, float4, float8, double precision
String bit, bit varying, char, character varying, varchar, citext, bpchar, macaddr8, text, money
Boolean boolean, bool
UUID uuid
Long bigint,int8,bigserial,serial8
BigDecimal numeric,decimal
Date date
Time time, time without time zone
TimeWithTimeZone timetz, time with time zone
DateTime timestamp,timestamp without time zone
DateTimeWithTimeZone timestamptz,timestamp with time zone

If a column's database type is not available in the above table, GraphQLize assumes String as the default scalar data type for the corresponding GraphQL field.